Sunday 12 November 2017

Project 9: Cycling and Road Safety

This week was all about cycling and road safety, with the primary aim being to get Solomon out on his bike and the stabilisers off. It was coupled with a wider discussion on road safety and road traffic signs.

The UK government's Think! Education web site has a host of resources and activities for children to learn about road safety. It's suitable from pre-school through to the end of primary education.

We also watched some of the many Green Cross Code public information films that have been shown over the years, from Tufty through to the rather bleak Tim Burton-esque modern incarnations. Solomon's favourites were the ones with the Green Cross Code man, he may have been influenced by being told that the actor also played the part of Darth Vader in Star Wars.

Going on a road sign hunt turned out to be very popular, especially with his younger sister who now wants to take out the highway code every time we go out.

His cycling has come on leaps and bounds this week, as he put in his diary "I wobbled and wobbled, but I didn't fall off". There's still work to do, but we're really glad we finally got around to it. We've also been enjoying, on the cycling theme, Solomon reading "The Boy who Biked the World", written by a man who really did cycle the world! The first book covers the boy's trip from England to South Africa, and as well as a good story it is a great introduction to geography and different cultures.

Next week's project: Puppets and Theatre.

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