Sunday, 16 May 2021

Project 184: Buildings

We last explored the topic of buildings in Project 64: Buildings and Architecture, and decided to revisit the topic after discovering some printable models from the Avoncroft Museum

We started the week exploring different types of homes using some Twinkl resources and a Twinkl quiz, and some books about buildings and architecture. We looked at how architecture has changed in the UK during different historical periods (e.g., Tudor, Georgian, Victorian etc), and we also looked at how architecture differs in other countries based on the climate of the country. 

The children also did a creative writing activity from the Courtauld: If Buildings Could Talk. Sam and Sol wrote mission reports as though they had discovered a building on a new planet, and Monica wrote a diary entry from the perspective of a princess in a castle. 

Next project: Bronze Age

Project 183: Memory

 As Solomon is always complaining that he has an appalling memory (albeit only when it is associated with work rather than Fortnite) we thought we'd have a project on memory. We mostly made use of the book Learning how to learn (previously introduced in Project 49: Learning how to learn).

They learned about the difference between short and long-term memory, how memories are formed, and the memory palace technique for remembering information. 

They also had to write about one of their memories, and played some of the memory games we have, including Kim's Game.  

Next project: Buildings

Project 182: Trees

After having a trees 'Top Trumps' booklet kicking around the house for a year, we decided to finally make use of it and have a project on trees. 

We started the week by reading about trees in the encyclopedia and the junior science dictionary, before going on a nature walk to count tree rings and discover how old the trees were. We read about photosynthesis and why leaves change colour in the Autumn. We also went to visit the trees we had planted earlier in the year at the local tiny forest

We also had a big cycle out to the local country park to explore their tree trail. 
Finally, the children did some finger-painting of trees.

Next project: Memory