Sunday 28 November 2021

Project 206: Plundering Paradise

Unfortunately we returned from the North East with Covid-19, so we were necessarily confined to the house for the next project and just decided to read through Plundering Paradise by Geraldine McCaughrean (an author we have previously used for Project 115: Christmas and The Pilgrim's Progress, Project 125: World Book Day and 1,001 Nights, Project 157: Knights and Fantasy). 

It's a story about pirates, morality, and the island of Madagascar. As well as reading the book they did various Twinkl worksheets on Madagascar and its wildlife, and recovered from Covid with the three Madagascar films: 

Next project: The Human Body

Project 205: Lighthouses

 As a trip to the North East was planned, we decided to learn about lighthouses with a visit to two: Roker Lighthouse, and Souter Lighthouse. While Roker Lighthouse can only be viewed from the outside, there was a guided tour around Souter Lighthouse which incorporates a museum. 

The children also did some differentiated reading about lighthouses, and made a lighthouse model.

Next project: Plundering Paradise

Project 204: Spain

 As Lidl were having an Iberian Peninsula event, we decided to do a project on Spain, overlapping with some of the previous projects (e.g., Project 94: Sir Francis Drake and Project 149: Don Quixote).

As well as trying some Spanish food (unsurprisingly churros were more popular than gazpacho!) and learning about Spain, they learned about the Spanish Armada, Christopher Columbus, and Salvador Dali using lots of  worksheets and resources from Twinkl. 

We also watched three films with a Spanish theme: Ferdinand, The Road to El Dorado, and the less well-known Spanish animation Donkey Xote: 

Next Project: Lighthouses