Sunday 15 July 2018

Project 42: The Stone Age

We had signed up Solomon to a home education natural learning workshop on the Stone Age, and decided to supplement this with a few other activities to make it the focus of this week's project.

The workshop at Ferry Meadows involved shelter building and fire making. Solomon preferred the shelter building to the fire making, as the fire making was a bit tricky - which is probably a good thing as we're in the middle of a heat wave.

Making shelters and fire at Ferry Meadows
We supplemented the workshop by reading Stone Age in the DK findout series, and watched the BBC Story of Britain videos about the middle stone age (below) and new stone age.

We got Stone Age as part of a series of books we bought when doing Project 28: Dinosaurs. It's the perfect level for Solomon, and covers everything from day to day life, to beliefs, making tools, and mammoths.

TED-Ed have created a 360° animation about cave paintings, so we downloaded Google Cardboard and bought a decorate and play virtual reality viewer for the kids to watch it with. Calibrating the viewer was a bit trickier than I'd expected, but we got there eventually. The kids really enjoyed exploring 360 videos, as well as decorating the viewer (albeit with non-stone age pictures).

Decorate & Play VR Viewer
Next week: Museums!

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