Sunday 7 January 2018

Project 17: World Records!

For our first project of the year we decided to explore some world records. We looked at the wide range of records people attempt, how records improve over time, the importance of practice, and of course tried some world records ourselves.

We had three copies of the Guinness Book of World Records (1991, 2004, 2018), and it was really interesting to see how the book has changed over the years (as well as the records) with far less information and far more glossy pictures in recent editions.
Athletics in the Guinness Book of World Records
We attempted 6 different records over the week, including one we developed ourselves (to emphasise the importance of developing explicit rules).

3-3-3 Speedstacks
We've had a set of Speedstacks at the back of the cupboard for years, but have never gotten them out for the kids.  We timed the 3-3-3 cycle so all three children (including a 2 year old) could attempt the world record.

World Record - 1.363 seconds; Solomon - 8.39 seconds.

20 Lego Brick Tower
Like most children his age Solomon spends hours playing with Lego, so a Lego world record was a natural one to try:

World Record - 20.75 seconds; Solomon - 55.15 seconds.

20 brick Lego tower

Pairs of Socks sorted in 30 seconds
The world record for sorting socks turned out to be a bit trickier than initially expected - 3 and 5 year olds are not natural ballers of socks!

World Record - 18 pairs; Solomon - 2 pairs.
Socks to be paired
100m Sprint
We couldn't attempt world records without trying one of the best known - the 100m.

World Record - 9.58; Solomon - 37.84 seconds.

MarioKart - GCN Yoshi Circuit
We also attempted an eGames record. Although Solomon may have been tempted by a Minecraft or Mario Odyssey marathon, we settled on a fastest lap on Mario Kart:

World Record - 39.029 seconds; Solomon - 1 minute 6.811 seconds.

Cuponk - 1 ball, 1 minute, 75cm
Finally we developed our own world record using a Cuponk cup and ball (another toy from the back of the cupboard). How many times could the ball be thrown into the cup from 75cm away?

Solomon's World Record - 2 balls.

Solomon's favourite attempt of the week was, unsurprisingly, Mario Kart.

Next week: History of Computing.

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