Monday 5 November 2018

Project 58: Exercise

We let Monica suggest an idea for this week’s project, and she suggested exercise, so we started the week by looking at the importance of exercise and the three main different types of exercise (aerobic, strength, and flexibility).  During the course of the week we had an exercise session focusing on each of the three different types of exercise.

For aerobic exercise we took the kids for a run around the estate where we live (going on a route which was approximately 1 mile long). Solomon took 11 mins 40 seconds to complete the route and complained every step of the way, Monica took 12 mins 34 seconds but happily ran the whole way.

For flexibility we introduced the children to yoga, and the Cosmic Kids Yoga YouTube channel which combines yoga with a story. The kids did the ‘Going on a bear hunt’ and ‘Popcorn and the pirates’ workouts and really enjoyed them.

For strength, we went to a nearby park and did some pull-ups on the monkey bars, some squat jumps, step-ups, and calf lifts.

There were a wide range of other resources we also made use of: we did a ‘Fit in 5’ workout each day (which is available on Sky TV); we watched a BBC Terrific Scientific programme about the effects of exercise on our brain; and the Children’s University of Manchester had a nice section on their website about exercise, different types of muscles, and how the heart works.
We finished the week with some measurements: we took everyone’s weight and height, and worked out our Body Mass Indexes using the NHS healthy weight calculator; and the kids measured their pulse rate before and after doing some burpees to illustrate how exercise gets our hearts pumping faster.

Finally they finished by drawing a picture of the type of exercise that they enjoy doing:

Next week: Designing a computer game!

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